We had a great turnout during our three days of LEGO activities at the library this spring break! This week we’ve gotten to see a lot of imagintitve displays from all the differnet atendees. Just a reminder that the Standard LEGO Club activities and schedule will resume this coming Tuesday on the 19th.
Library Coffee
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day!
Try to do something kind for another today!
Pop Tab Contest
Come participate in the pop tab contest, and contribute to the Ronald McDonald House!
Lego Club
President’s Day
New Books
Brand New Books
Our libary has just received a gift of100 new children’s books, ranging from pre-kindergarden to early readers. These books were a donation from the Brownstone Book Fund, a private foundation in New York City, interested in fostering early reading, a love of books, and encouraging partents and child to read to together. Come to the libary to explore and enjoy our new collection!